A chiropractor works to correct subluxations, which is what a vertebra out of alignment is called. The bones of your spine should be mobile and flexible. When they don’t move as they should, it can create a range of problems.
At Sydney Allied Health Clinic, our team has a variety of ways in which to help you, such as
- Traction tables
- ArthroStim®
- Activator®
- Pregnancy pillows
- Dry needling
- Rehabilitation

Plus, we carry different health-related products that you can purchase directly through us such as braces, rehab bands, foam rollers, pillows and more.
Our chiropractor will use a combination of various modalities that will benefit you the most. Since our regular appointments are 30 minutes long, you’ll have all the time you need to make sure your issues are addressed, from head to toe.
Ready to get started? Contact our team today! Our hours include convenient weekend times that fit easily into busy schedules.