Neck pain can originate from many sources, some of these sources can be from nerves, muscles, joints, ligaments or tendons. The main aim when we are looking to treat the patients issue is to find out where the source of the pain is coming from and deliver a tailored treatment for the tissue in lesion.
We use a wide variety of treatments such as Dry Needling, Massage Therapy, mobilisation and manipulation therapy, tens, traction, scrapping therapy and many more modalities to help with peoples neck pain.
In some cases we may refer the patient for x-rays, CT scans, MRI or Ultrasound imaging to help confirm our diagnosis. It is best to consult a professional to work out what the best strategy for treatment is. It is not recommended to play Dr. Google and self diagnose and try to treat your own neck pain watching YouTube videos or assume taking certain medications will treat the problem, this is guess work adversely in many cases. For the further information on how we can help you feel free to call our clinic on (02) 9559 8877 or book online.
at sydney allied health clinic